Low Sodium Diet Tips
Many people have a misconception of how sodium affects the body. Many are under the impression that sodium can cause many health issues such as high blood pressure or hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and all of which may be true if consumed in high levels. However, it is important to understand that the human body needs sodium and that this very important mineral is essential to allowing your body to properly function. Sodium is also naturally present in many foods and beverages we consume. Low-sodium diets have been recommended to those who suffer from certain serious medical conditions (i.e., heart failure, kidney disease and hypertension). If you are looking to improve your overall health, then you may want to opt for a low-sodium diet by considering these tips: 1. Adopt a plant based diet Consider trying a plant-based diet that focuses on fresh produce, as opposed to an animal-based diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain significantly lower levels of sodium when compared to animal-based products. 2. Decrease processed foods in your diet Try to avoid or minimize your intake of processed food found in chips, prepackaged snack foods foods, crackers, boxed cereals, frozen dinners, fast foods, canned soups, cookies, and pre-packaged snacks.