Caring for Cats with Diabetes
Has your cat recently been diagnosed with, or exhibiting signs of diabetes? Not to worry, your furry friend can still live happily and healthy as long as you take the proper measures to treat and care for it. Typical symptoms for feline diabetes could include change in appetite and strange behaviors such as sleeping or hiding more or less frequently. They also might become more or less affectionate than normal. It is also common for diabetic cats to become more thirsty and urinate much for frequently due to the high amount of sugar in the urine. This is why it is always important to give constant access to fresh water to your diabetic pet. Upon noticing noticing any of these symptoms it is important to seek help from a veterinarian right away. Remission from the disease is possible especially if it’s caught early and acted upon fast. The most common treatments for diabetes mellitus in cats includes: 1. Administering insulin shots for pets The administration of insulin shots for pets is one of the most common and effective methods to begin treatment. Insulin is a hormone shot that is designed to help regulate the animal’s blood glucose levels. Insulin therapy will require the cat owner to inject their pet with a syringe to safely dispense the insulin just underneath the skin.